His name was Benny Lynch, and he became Scotland's greatest ever boxer.
In the 1930's every sports fan in the UK was talking about him. He inspired, he mesmorised and he was the champion of the poor and working class in Glasgow.
His memory will live on in the minds and hearts of many...
Benny Lynch is one of Glasgow’s finest sporting heroes. In a bid to escape the poverty and deprivation of the Gorbals in the 1920’s Benny turned to boxing, and quickly established himself as an exceptional fighter, renowned for his artistry and power.
He is now recognised as one of the greatest flyweight boxers of all time and definitely of his era, winning the flyweight title in 1935 at the age of only 21. His return to Glasgow brought the City to a standstill, with an estimated 100,000 Glasgow citizens lining the streets around Central Station to welcome him home.
Today, a modest commemoration to Benny can be found in the Gorbals, however this does not convey the true affection and admiration that is held for who is arguably Scotland’s greatest world boxing champion. Benny represents many older Glaswegians who still remember him with fondness to this day.
As a result, and following consultation with Benny’s son and granddaughter in Canada, this campaign has been initiated to appropriately commemorate Benny Lynch. There is a strong desire both in the Gorbals and beyond that there should be a statue of Benny erected in Glasgow City Centre to commemorate his sporting legacy. Ideally, we would like to see this in Glasgow Central Station.

A Message From Our Patron:
Robert Carlyle
"I've always loved the idea of a statue for Benny. Cannot think of anyone, past or present from the city of Glasgow, who deserves it more.
I've been an admirer of Benny Lynch for more years than I care to remember. Even though he never saw him fight, he was also a great hero for my father. My grandfather on the other hand did see him fight on several occasions. His stories have been handed down from him to my father, from my father to me, and from me to my own kids who are as familiar with the name Benny Lynch as they are with any present day sportsmen.
That should be the case for all the citizens of Glasgow. We should all be proud of what this man achieved and a statue in his honour is the very least his memory deserves."

Message of Support From Benny's Family
"We are immensly proud and thankful that there are so many people who want to commemorate Benny in this way. His family will always strive to have Benny remembered for his outstanding achievements that were incredible for the time.
We want the spirit of his memory to reflect how he was in life...always a fighter."
Bobby Lynch, Son of Benny, September 2015